Are you serious? This is considered a safety-hazard? Really? Now Nintendo has to either redesign the remote or the wrist strap attached to it to ensure it can be held onto easier. Or they have to make sure consumers are educated about how to correctly handle their Nintendo Wii remotes so that this type of potential hazard ceases to exist.
My head is spinning. This is how we end up with all those stupid warning labels like a can of mixed nuts that warns it may contain nuts, or a hair dryer that tells us to never use it in the shower. How is it Nintendo's fault, or the Wii controller's fault, that it slipped out of your hands? If you were playing doubles tennis and got a little carried away and your tennis racket slipped out of your hand, flew towards your partner and bounced off of their leg would you blame the manufacturer of the racket? Would you need them to put a sticker on your tennis racket warning you about how to properly hold your racket? No, you wouldn't. In fact, if you are anything like me you would make sure your partner wasn't actually injured - then point and laugh at him.
I just don't understand how this is becoming a problem for Nintendo. I can't keep ahold of my car keys, I seem to drop them all the time. Maybe I should be mad at someone for it. Maybe someone should have educated me on how to properly handle my keys. Give me a break.
Wondering if the TV damage was actually caused when someone threw the controller at the TV when they lost a game...
Meanwhile... those controllers do look slippery.
I don't know. I've throwm my fair share of PS2 controllers and so far I haven't damaged anything.
yeah i agree that that's pretty stupid. no one knows how to take responsibility for themselves anymore. its too easy to blame someone else. c'mon
I knew this would happen...
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