Friday, October 13, 2006

Editor's Note:

Some of my funny little "weird news" facts come from and I have noticed that if you try to read more than 2 or 3 articles from their website a day, you get a notice that you have to subscribe to continue reading or view new articles.

I just wanted to let you guys know that I subscribed to their service a week ago or so and after you create your account and submit your information, a page opens up asking you to choose what email lists you would like to be included on. You have to go through and manually select "no" on all of them, but after you're done with that I really have had no problems with the site at all. I am able to read all the articles and so far have noticed no increase in the amount of spam and junk mail I receive in my email account.

Thought I would share that with everyone in case you were wanting to read an article I linked to, but weren't too sure about subscribing to the site. Of course, I reserve the right to be wrong and cannot be held accountable for any unsolicited emails you may receive if you do sign up with an account. It could just mean that they like me better.

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