Some of you have probably heard of this, some of you have probably not. But I've done it and I must say it is FREAKY!
Of course I'm referring to the fact that the Pink Floyd album "Dark Side Of The Moon" playing on repeat will sync up with the action and emotions on the film The Wizard Of Oz. In fact, the CD will play 2 1/2 times, which means certain songs are actually heard 3 times. And all 3 times either the lyrics or the music will sync up to what is happening on the movie in some way.
Whether or not this was planned by Pink Floyd, I don't know. I can easily doubt it because of the fact that it would just take way too long and there's no real reason for it. Not to mention at the time the album was made there weren't any CD's or CD players with repeat buttons. You would have had to use a vinyl record, which would have songs on both sides and there's no way someone could flip over the record that many times and keep up with the sync.
But it is such a strange coincidence it's hard to imagine it being accidental. Anyway, Rolling Stone has posted a few small clips showing some of the syncs between the songs and the film. They posted a few good ones, but there are some that are even better. And in the last clip they posted involving the tin man, you can't really hear that at the very end when Dorothy and Scarecrow are listening to the Tin Man talk about wanting a heart, the song fades out into a heartbeat. But, here's the link to the clips.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Shrine Mosque
This post is to remind me I may be interested in:
Monday April16,2007
Date Monday April 16,2007
Ticket Price $25.00
Doors 7:00 PM
Show Time Opener 8:00 PM
Seating All General Admission
And to inform Bobbie of this:
Date FRIDAY APRIL 13,2007
Appearing live and in person will be Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle, “The Samoan Submission Machine” Samoa Joe, Scott Steiner, Abyss, “The War Machine” Rhino, “The Phenomenal” A.J. Styles, Voodoo Kin Mafia, “Cowboy” James Storm, “Wildcat” Chris Harris, Miss Jackie, Gail Kim, The Naturals, Alex Shelley, “Showtime” Eric Young, Sonjay Dutt, Chris Sabin, Jay Lethal, Senshi and more!
Monday April16,2007
Date Monday April 16,2007
Ticket Price $25.00
Doors 7:00 PM
Show Time Opener 8:00 PM
Seating All General Admission
And to inform Bobbie of this:
Date FRIDAY APRIL 13,2007
Appearing live and in person will be Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle, “The Samoan Submission Machine” Samoa Joe, Scott Steiner, Abyss, “The War Machine” Rhino, “The Phenomenal” A.J. Styles, Voodoo Kin Mafia, “Cowboy” James Storm, “Wildcat” Chris Harris, Miss Jackie, Gail Kim, The Naturals, Alex Shelley, “Showtime” Eric Young, Sonjay Dutt, Chris Sabin, Jay Lethal, Senshi and more!
Friday, March 30, 2007
Check It Out!

Can you guess what it is doing? It is holding a Wii remote. And it just bowled a perfect game of Wii Bowling. Check out the story and video HERE.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
A Return To Normal
Well, it appears I have been given my third chance. Life has returned to mostly normal (minus my negative attitude). I don't really know much more than that at this point because there have been no "in-depth" discussions of exactly what Z's current feelings are. And that may just be something that never happens, I'm not going to push any issues. Instead I will concentrate on being a better me and let everything else fall in line.
To those of you who were concerned, I appreciate it. To those of you who were bored and/or annoyed by my whining - tough cookies. LOL!
To those of you who were concerned, I appreciate it. To those of you who were bored and/or annoyed by my whining - tough cookies. LOL!
Friday, March 23, 2007
Hindsight 20/20
My last breath is fading fast and I can barely see any light above the water. My lungs are burning and I really don't think I'm going to make it. Interestingly enough, the further down I go the clearer my vision has become of exactly how I got into this position.
Now, I don't want to concern anyone. All of these drowning metaphors are referring to a specific part of my life involving a specific relationship to the best person I've ever been priviledged to know. You remember "Z" from the last post. That's the person. But, I don't want anyone who reads this to think I'm in any danger on a physical level. If I can't recover from this then life will suck and I will carry the guilt and hurt with me forever. But, I will carry on. So don't let these posts scare you.
As I was saying, I've finally discovered what is meant by the phrase "hindsight is 20/20". For the past 3 months, as things have been going bad, I knew my behavior was causing problems, but I honestly thought my behavior was a reaction to things that were happening to me. And I knew that other people aside from Z were aware my attitude was going downhill, but I honestly never knew that it was actually affecting their feelings and opinions of me. Now that it's probably the end, I can see where me thinking it was about 80% my fault and 20% Z's fault was not quite accurate. For the past 3 days every different angle I look back at shows up as 100% my fault. I wish I had known that sooner, I would have stopped it before I got here.
I don't know what to do now. How can you convince someone that you've absolutely learned everything you needed to learn and that even though you blew your second chance you can gaurantee it will never happen again? Most people don't even get second chances, so why in the hell would I deserve a third? I don't. I don't deserve a third chance. Apparently I didn't deserve the second chance, because I blew it. But I know I want to continue my relationship with Z more than I want anything else.
And I'm not just saying that because I feel guilty for what I've done to her(yes, Z switched genders - got to keep you guessing). Obviously I do feel guilty. But I can honestly say I want to continue my friendship with Z more than I want anything else because it's the absolute truth. I've done nothing for the past 3 days but think about what I did, what I want, what she deserves, how it happened, etc. I can't sleep because my brain won't shut down. I can't eat because I'm sick with grief over the fact that I just killed a friendship and hurt Z's heart.
I know what I did wrong. I know that I was the only person who did anything wrong. I know I did this to myself. I know I don't deserve her friendship. I honestly believe the horrible thing I did to get me to this point was caused by some divine intervention just to get me to this point so I would finally freaking get it. And I do get it, but it may have cost me more than I ever wanted to pay. I don't know what to do. I don't want this to happen. But it's not up to me anymore. I don't deserve to be included in the decision about our friendship, because I'm the one who tore it apart. I don't know what to do. The worst part is that this all started because I hate my work schedule and I let myself become jealous of Z's freedom. Why? What made me think it would be okay to take my frustrations out on her? There was no reason why being frustrated at work should lead me to losing Z. Especially since I haven't changed anything at work, I still work the same stupid shift that I hate. My shift is beyond my control unless I quit jobs. But, I'm not even upset about my shift anymore. That quickly paled in comparison to the mess I've gotten myself into. If I could go back in time, I would thank my friends every day for working around my stupid schedule and fitting me in to their lives during my time off instead of being jealous of the time off they had together.
Again, I know what I did wrong. I know that I was the only person who did anything wrong. I know I did this to myself. And I don't know what to do now. I mean, at the time I guess I thought we were strong enough to handle it and she would realize that the problem was about work and wasn't actually about her. But why should she have realized that, I was making it about her. I understand she did not deserve to face constant negativity from me, especially at a time in her life when she's got so many positive things happening to her. I don't know how it happened. But I know how to keep it from ever happening again, if I get the chance. But, I don't think I'm going to. And that's my fault.
Now, I don't want to concern anyone. All of these drowning metaphors are referring to a specific part of my life involving a specific relationship to the best person I've ever been priviledged to know. You remember "Z" from the last post. That's the person. But, I don't want anyone who reads this to think I'm in any danger on a physical level. If I can't recover from this then life will suck and I will carry the guilt and hurt with me forever. But, I will carry on. So don't let these posts scare you.
As I was saying, I've finally discovered what is meant by the phrase "hindsight is 20/20". For the past 3 months, as things have been going bad, I knew my behavior was causing problems, but I honestly thought my behavior was a reaction to things that were happening to me. And I knew that other people aside from Z were aware my attitude was going downhill, but I honestly never knew that it was actually affecting their feelings and opinions of me. Now that it's probably the end, I can see where me thinking it was about 80% my fault and 20% Z's fault was not quite accurate. For the past 3 days every different angle I look back at shows up as 100% my fault. I wish I had known that sooner, I would have stopped it before I got here.
I don't know what to do now. How can you convince someone that you've absolutely learned everything you needed to learn and that even though you blew your second chance you can gaurantee it will never happen again? Most people don't even get second chances, so why in the hell would I deserve a third? I don't. I don't deserve a third chance. Apparently I didn't deserve the second chance, because I blew it. But I know I want to continue my relationship with Z more than I want anything else.
And I'm not just saying that because I feel guilty for what I've done to her(yes, Z switched genders - got to keep you guessing). Obviously I do feel guilty. But I can honestly say I want to continue my friendship with Z more than I want anything else because it's the absolute truth. I've done nothing for the past 3 days but think about what I did, what I want, what she deserves, how it happened, etc. I can't sleep because my brain won't shut down. I can't eat because I'm sick with grief over the fact that I just killed a friendship and hurt Z's heart.
I know what I did wrong. I know that I was the only person who did anything wrong. I know I did this to myself. I know I don't deserve her friendship. I honestly believe the horrible thing I did to get me to this point was caused by some divine intervention just to get me to this point so I would finally freaking get it. And I do get it, but it may have cost me more than I ever wanted to pay. I don't know what to do. I don't want this to happen. But it's not up to me anymore. I don't deserve to be included in the decision about our friendship, because I'm the one who tore it apart. I don't know what to do. The worst part is that this all started because I hate my work schedule and I let myself become jealous of Z's freedom. Why? What made me think it would be okay to take my frustrations out on her? There was no reason why being frustrated at work should lead me to losing Z. Especially since I haven't changed anything at work, I still work the same stupid shift that I hate. My shift is beyond my control unless I quit jobs. But, I'm not even upset about my shift anymore. That quickly paled in comparison to the mess I've gotten myself into. If I could go back in time, I would thank my friends every day for working around my stupid schedule and fitting me in to their lives during my time off instead of being jealous of the time off they had together.
Again, I know what I did wrong. I know that I was the only person who did anything wrong. I know I did this to myself. And I don't know what to do now. I mean, at the time I guess I thought we were strong enough to handle it and she would realize that the problem was about work and wasn't actually about her. But why should she have realized that, I was making it about her. I understand she did not deserve to face constant negativity from me, especially at a time in her life when she's got so many positive things happening to her. I don't know how it happened. But I know how to keep it from ever happening again, if I get the chance. But, I don't think I'm going to. And that's my fault.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Update On Me:
For those of you who read my recent posts about treading water and Gray's Anatomy I thought I would provide an update for you.
When I last discussed how things were going for me I talked about making the decision to get out of the water before I drowned. And I did. Unfortunately, I had been dry about 2 1/2 weeks when I stumbled and my feet got wet. I managed to stay there for a few days, then yesterday I fell over and went completely under. Now I am not even treading water, I'm drowning. On my last breath. My only hope is that the person closest to me holds out a hand and lets me try to climb back out. And I'm really not sure if that person is going to hold out a hand. Let's call this person "Z". Now, Z is tired and has sore hands thanks to all the times I bumped into him and clawed at him while I was treading water. And if Z does decide to hold out a hand and let me climb out, should I stay on the beach with the rest of the party and risk drowning again? Or should I leave the beach and find a totally new place to party with totally new people?
I know what I want to do. I want to stay on the beach and party with my people. I know that if I make it out of the water this time I will never let myself get too close to the edge again. But, since I have fallen in twice will anyone believe me that it won't happen again? Why should they? I haven't proved that I can be trusted not to teeter over the edge. I've got 2 strikes against me. And they have both occurred in only the last 3 months.
I don't want to find a new party, but I can't help but wonder if that wouldn't be the best thing for the party on the beach. I want those people to enjoy their party. I care about them all so much. I don't want to dampen their fun by making them worry that if they accidentally create a breeze playing frisbee it will knock me backwards into the water. I want them to be able to do what they want/need to do to have the most fun they can have.
I'm torn. I'm hoping that the person closest to me holds out a hand AND asks me to rejoin the party. But should I accept because that's what I want or should I decline because in the long run Z would be happier without me at the party? I know I can rejoin and pull it off and prove myself. But, with my prior track record why in the hell would Z think I can do it? So, would Z be relaxed and party like normal, or would Z be constantly looking over his shoulder wondering what I'm doing and thinking about how I wounded him the first 2 times I was drowning. It doesn't matter how much I believe that I won't do it again, he has to believe it or he won't be happy. It's a tough decision. I want to be happy and party, but I know I won't be happy if I think someone is unhappy because of me.
I've been at this party for 7 years, I don't know how I can leave it. But, I may have to. If I even get pulled from the water.
When I last discussed how things were going for me I talked about making the decision to get out of the water before I drowned. And I did. Unfortunately, I had been dry about 2 1/2 weeks when I stumbled and my feet got wet. I managed to stay there for a few days, then yesterday I fell over and went completely under. Now I am not even treading water, I'm drowning. On my last breath. My only hope is that the person closest to me holds out a hand and lets me try to climb back out. And I'm really not sure if that person is going to hold out a hand. Let's call this person "Z". Now, Z is tired and has sore hands thanks to all the times I bumped into him and clawed at him while I was treading water. And if Z does decide to hold out a hand and let me climb out, should I stay on the beach with the rest of the party and risk drowning again? Or should I leave the beach and find a totally new place to party with totally new people?
I know what I want to do. I want to stay on the beach and party with my people. I know that if I make it out of the water this time I will never let myself get too close to the edge again. But, since I have fallen in twice will anyone believe me that it won't happen again? Why should they? I haven't proved that I can be trusted not to teeter over the edge. I've got 2 strikes against me. And they have both occurred in only the last 3 months.
I don't want to find a new party, but I can't help but wonder if that wouldn't be the best thing for the party on the beach. I want those people to enjoy their party. I care about them all so much. I don't want to dampen their fun by making them worry that if they accidentally create a breeze playing frisbee it will knock me backwards into the water. I want them to be able to do what they want/need to do to have the most fun they can have.
I'm torn. I'm hoping that the person closest to me holds out a hand AND asks me to rejoin the party. But should I accept because that's what I want or should I decline because in the long run Z would be happier without me at the party? I know I can rejoin and pull it off and prove myself. But, with my prior track record why in the hell would Z think I can do it? So, would Z be relaxed and party like normal, or would Z be constantly looking over his shoulder wondering what I'm doing and thinking about how I wounded him the first 2 times I was drowning. It doesn't matter how much I believe that I won't do it again, he has to believe it or he won't be happy. It's a tough decision. I want to be happy and party, but I know I won't be happy if I think someone is unhappy because of me.
I've been at this party for 7 years, I don't know how I can leave it. But, I may have to. If I even get pulled from the water.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Happy St. Patrick's Day
Well, as usual the St. Patrick's Day Parade was cold and windy. But, as usual, it was also a total blast. This is either my 3rd or 4th year attending and I am never disappointed (except for the weather - can't we start doing this parade in May?). I called my mother and had her drag my neice Jessica and my nephew Charlie up here with her to stand outside and freeze alongside me. Their cousin Cassandra joined them.
After the parade, we went and chowed down on some Long John Silver's and then I took them for a drive around town since they don't get up here much. I showed them Pythian Castle, then went down to Sequiota Park and let them crawl around the caves. They thought the caves were awesome and now they are all highly impressed with how cool Springfield is. While at Sequiota, I somehow managed to reluctantly get interviewed by KSPR 33. They were doing a news story on what the ice storm damage will mean to the park system.
So if you watched the 10:00pm news tonight on channel 33, then you probably saw me. I feel bad that I didn't ask the reporter's name, but anyway she finally talked me into it by promising I would only be on camera for like 8 seconds. Then when I said yes I swear they filmed me for 4 minutes and asked multiple questions. So, I'm scared to see what they showed. Luckily, since I only moved here last year and I work alone at night, I hardly know anyone and I doubt anyone I do know caught the story. I didn't even get to see it because I came to work before it aired. I did, however, record it and will be checking it out in the morning to see how awful it is.

After the parade, we went and chowed down on some Long John Silver's and then I took them for a drive around town since they don't get up here much. I showed them Pythian Castle, then went down to Sequiota Park and let them crawl around the caves. They thought the caves were awesome and now they are all highly impressed with how cool Springfield is. While at Sequiota, I somehow managed to reluctantly get interviewed by KSPR 33. They were doing a news story on what the ice storm damage will mean to the park system.
So if you watched the 10:00pm news tonight on channel 33, then you probably saw me. I feel bad that I didn't ask the reporter's name, but anyway she finally talked me into it by promising I would only be on camera for like 8 seconds. Then when I said yes I swear they filmed me for 4 minutes and asked multiple questions. So, I'm scared to see what they showed. Luckily, since I only moved here last year and I work alone at night, I hardly know anyone and I doubt anyone I do know caught the story. I didn't even get to see it because I came to work before it aired. I did, however, record it and will be checking it out in the morning to see how awful it is.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Over the weekend, my cousin Sabrina & her kids, my Aunt Paula, my best friend Bobbie and her son and myself spent the night at the Grand Country Inn in Branson. We had a great time playing at Splash Country Indoors. But the best part of the weekend was the fact that I took the funniest picture ever of my cousin Sabrina.
Here's the setup: she had just gotten off of the big waterslide so she was completely dripping with water and she was talking to her young son Austin trying to get him excited about the slide. I'm just glad I was in her face with my camera.
Below the awesome pic of her are a few various other pics of our weekend.

(from left to right) Aunt Paula, Sabrina and Bobbie as the big bucket dumps and water rushes towards them......they did not give me permission to post any pics of them in their swimsuits, so I drew them a beach towel to share.

And here's Sabrina at the end of the waterslide
Here's the setup: she had just gotten off of the big waterslide so she was completely dripping with water and she was talking to her young son Austin trying to get him excited about the slide. I'm just glad I was in her face with my camera.
Below the awesome pic of her are a few various other pics of our weekend.

(from left to right) Aunt Paula, Sabrina and Bobbie as the big bucket dumps and water rushes towards them......they did not give me permission to post any pics of them in their swimsuits, so I drew them a beach towel to share.

And here's Sabrina at the end of the waterslide

Friday, March 09, 2007
Stuff I Haven't Mentioned Yet...
Here's a list of some of the things that have happened recently which I did not have time to post about yet:
For the first time ever I saw a truck that was actually hauling caskets -

Grandma Beeson turned 80 -

Keaton turned 2 -

I went to Chuck E. Cheese - (Cordell and Alana playing a video game)

Grandma had some trees cut down -

Bobbie, Cordell and I checked out the Pea Ridge National Military Park in Pea Ridge, Arkansas -

Bobbie took her neice, Lexi, to Roaring River to feed the fish -

I guess that's enough excitement for now!
For the first time ever I saw a truck that was actually hauling caskets -

Grandma Beeson turned 80 -

Keaton turned 2 -

I went to Chuck E. Cheese - (Cordell and Alana playing a video game)

Grandma had some trees cut down -

Bobbie, Cordell and I checked out the Pea Ridge National Military Park in Pea Ridge, Arkansas -

Bobbie took her neice, Lexi, to Roaring River to feed the fish -

I guess that's enough excitement for now!
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Need More Internet!
I've been fairly busy recently and have taken a lot of pictures and gone on adventures that I would love to post here. Unfortunately, since I no longer have internet at my "weekend home", I am falling behind on my blogging. So, I'm kind of stumped about what to do about it. I don't really want to post 3 or 4 blogs every Thursday, Friday and Saturday because posts get more attention when they can just sit at the top of your page for at least 24 hours. But, I want to talk about what I've been up to.
I think maybe the best solution will be to post one entry that includes several different topics and pictures in it. I'm going to try it once or twice to see if it will work or if it will make my page look too busy. Let me know if any of you have an opinion about it or have another option for me. Other than the obvious option of getting the internet reinstated at my weekend home.
I think maybe the best solution will be to post one entry that includes several different topics and pictures in it. I'm going to try it once or twice to see if it will work or if it will make my page look too busy. Let me know if any of you have an opinion about it or have another option for me. Other than the obvious option of getting the internet reinstated at my weekend home.
Saturday, March 03, 2007
The Picture Post
Hey Ya (Acoustic)
Don't get excited, this is nothing new. This video blew up on the internet around September of '06 and has been posted on thousands of blogs. However, I still absolutely love it and since it has died down quite a bit, I thought I would try to revive it a little.
Oddly enough, as wildly popular as this video was I did not learn about it until a few months later. And then I only found it because I was purposely searching for an acoustic version of the song. See, I had gone to a school music program that my neice was participating in and in between all of the various grades doing their songs, they let a group of 3 high school musicians/singers perform their own little song. Those 3 boys stunned me by wailing an absolutely beautiful acoustic version of Hey Ya. It was the first time I had heard an acoustic version and although these boys were very talented, I knew immediately it had to be something they had copied from someone else. As soon as I got home that night, I googled "Hey Ya acoustic" and BAM! - up popped thousands of links to the Matt Weddle version I have posted here. I have listened to it hundreds of times since then and I never grow tired of it. I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I do.
Oddly enough, as wildly popular as this video was I did not learn about it until a few months later. And then I only found it because I was purposely searching for an acoustic version of the song. See, I had gone to a school music program that my neice was participating in and in between all of the various grades doing their songs, they let a group of 3 high school musicians/singers perform their own little song. Those 3 boys stunned me by wailing an absolutely beautiful acoustic version of Hey Ya. It was the first time I had heard an acoustic version and although these boys were very talented, I knew immediately it had to be something they had copied from someone else. As soon as I got home that night, I googled "Hey Ya acoustic" and BAM! - up popped thousands of links to the Matt Weddle version I have posted here. I have listened to it hundreds of times since then and I never grow tired of it. I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I do.
Friday, March 02, 2007
First Friday Art Walk

Well, tonight I experienced another "first" for me since living in Springfield. I attended my first First Friday Art Walk. Yeah! I had heard about these last summer, but the two people I know in town have no interest in them whatsoever and I just never bothered to go check it out.
However, one of my on-line friends from a forum I frequent is a fanatical historian of Heer's Department Store. And he has been mentioning for a week now that he would be hosting an exhibit of Heer's memorabilia. So, I figured that was as good an excuse as any to finally check out an Art Walk. I knew that a few other people from my favorite website were also going down to support Willard (his online name), so I headed to the Gillioz Theatre and got one of my first tastes of downtown on a Friday night.
The Heer's exhibit was pretty cool. While there, I met up with a few people I knew and after we had checked out the Gillioz we walked up to Walnut street and checked out another Art Walk spot. Then we headed over to South Avenue Pizza for dinner. I had never eaten there before and the pizza was awesome. We finished our food just in time for me to head to work so it worked out pretty well.
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