Aside from a few random episodes back in 2005, I do not watch the tv show "Nashville Star". I had no idea who the 4 people in the above picture were and I couldn't tell you the name of this years winner - until last night. Now I know that the winner was Angela Hacker and that she has an absolutely amazing voice. I also know that it was her brother Zac Hacker who came in second behind his big sister.
Why the sudden influx of information about Nashville Star? Because I got to see the above group in concert last night. I didn't even have to pay for my ticket. My cousin and her mom were on their way up to the show and had an extra ticket because their third person wasn't able to make it at the last minute. Since I was already in Springfield, they thought of me and gave me a call. Now, I'm not someone who will turn down an activity very often. I love to go and do things, no matter what they may be. So even though I didn't know any of the performers I was more than willing to go to the concert.
It was in the Juanita K. Hammonds Center and our seats were 3rd row orchestra - awesome seats! I am so glad I got the opportunity to go and hear these guys. They were all amazing. I do have to say that I enjoyed David St. Romain the most because he has such a wonderful rich voice and plenty of breath to back it with. Plus, there was something about him that just made you all hyper. Of course, Angela was the same way. She has an enormous amount of energy and one of the best female voices I've ever heard.
Josh Stevens could make any girl swoon with his romantic innocence and Zac Hacker should be playing rock and roll - cause he rocked. After the show all 4 artists were available for pictures and autographs. Of course I'm a moron and did not bring my camera because I didn't realize I was going to enjoy the show. But, I did get a shirt autographed by all of them and my Aunt took some pictures with her old-fashioned 35 mm camera. When she gets the hard copy of those she's gonna share them with me.
It was such a great experience I am going to make an attempt to watch the next season and I will definitely be attending the next tour if they come back my way. What a great concert that I didn't have to pay for. That was in addition to spending all day Saturday at Celebration City at a private company picnic eating free food, playing free games, riding free rides. We got free ice cream, cotton candy and kettle corn on top of everything else. I have had a great couple of days.
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